

There are many wonderful cities in South Korea. There are many places worth visiting here. To make the most out of your trip, you may want to start in Kyongju, South Korea. This is a coastal city found in North Gyeongsang province. Kyongju has many low mountains scattered throughout the city.

The city is actually referred to as the museum without walls. This is because the city has numerous historical sites. If you love to see remnants of the past, a visit to this city will those visions. There are many important historical treasures that can be found here that are designated as World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO.

Here are some of the sites that made this city what it is today and why has it been acclaimed as popular tourist destination.

Bulguksa Temple. The best time to visit is early morning. Its structure is very impressive and this is actually considered a masterpiece of the Buddhist art. It was in the 8th century when the temple was built at the time of the Silla Kingdom.

Gyeongju National Park. You have to take a map when you visit the park. You can reach it by taxi or bus. You will be guided by hiking trails, but it can get confusing, especially if you don’t understand the language. This is where the map will become very handy.

Seokguram Grotto. You can reach the grotto after hiking a few kilometers from the Bulguksa Temple. You will be amazed at its Silla art and impressive Buddhist artifacts. You are not allowed to take pictures inside the grotto. You should allot a full day here to soak in everything that it has to offer.

Kyongju National Museum1
Kyongju Hotels Map

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