Gateway of India in South Mumbai

Gateway of India in South Mumbai

The Gateway of India is located in South Mumbai, in the state of Maharashtra, India.

The Gateway of India is built with yellow basalt (extrusive volcanic rock) and concrete. The architecture of the Gateway is purely Indo-Saracenic (combination of Indian and Islamic architecture) style. The arch of the gateway is about 26 meters; the dome at the center is about 15 meters in diameter and 26 meters from the ground surface. The Indian government spent 21 lakh Rupees for the Gateways construction.

The plan to build the Gateway of India started in the year 1911, and it was built to mark the trip to Mumbai by King George V (emperor of India during the British rule in India) and his wife Queen Mary. The gateway was designed by George Wittet , the construction of the Gateway began in the year 1915. Construction of the Gateway was extremely slow, where only a wall was built over four long years. In the year 1920 the foundations were finished and finally in the year 1924 the total construction was completed. Finally in 1924, December 4th British Viceroy opened the Gateway. The British people used the Gateway to receive their guests who visited Mumbai.

In the present day, the Gateway of India is a crowded area and is the most visited place in Mumbai. People, especially from Mumbai , use this place as a hang out area.

Mumbai, the India’s largest city, is well connected with all means of transport from all the parts of the country and all the parts of the world. People traveling there can choose their means of transport according to their interest.

The local traveling in Mumbai is a great experience where different means of transport are available; such as the local trains stopping every 10 minutes from Bandhra, Chatrapathi, Sivaji, and Andheri railway stations. Everyday 7 million people travel in these local trains.

In addition taxis, autos, and bus services are frequently available from all parts of Mumbai.

Streets of South Mumbai From
Gateway of India in South Mumbai
Gateway of India

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