

Leuven is one of the hidden gems of Belgium, a city where countless students are swarming everywhere. Leuven is proud of its universities. In fact it has one of the finest conservatories of music that produces world-class artists and musicians—the Lemmens Institute. One of the oldest Catholic universities is also located here, which goes by the name Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

One would also notice the quality of their glass products and glass arts. Apart from these, they have several high-tech companies that focus on research.

If you happen to visit Leuven, you might want to be there for their Marktrock or the summer rock festival. In April, it also celebrates its Afrika Filmfestival which aims to assure cultural diversity in the city, and to showcase the talents of African artists and film makers. After five minutes of walking from the train station, you can start exploring its popular landmarks such as the Town Hall, St. Peter’s Church (that contains the famous painting of “The Last Supper”), the Great Beguinage, the Linen Hall, the Church of St. Michael, and the Oude Markt (Old Market). They also have lots of statues, museums and shopping centers. Of course, you shouldn’t miss hanging out in bars and student cafes in Leuven, and enjoy drinking Stella beer.

A journey to this wonderful city of Leuven is truly a remarkable experience you will treasure for a lifetime, so you should make it as one of your next destinations.

Leuven travel guide -
Leuven Town Hall.

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