Purnululu National Park

Purnululu National Park

Gigantic bee hive-like stone towers stood proudly, dashed with the dramatic colors of the sun displaying a contrast of orange and black stripes. Visitors will always wonder in amazement how nature was able to build such a view.

A place born out of geological changes millions of years ago, adventurers and nature lovers will adore the unusual but very outback Australian setting of Purnululu National Park. Fondly called as the Bungle Bungle by the locals, Purnululu is a native term which means sandstones. Whereas the most famous site inside the park, the Bungle Bungle Mountain ranges, got its name from the incorrect jumbled word of the bundle grass found in the area. Sounds like a folk joke? Well, this area is seriously recognized by the World Heritage Site and is considered as one of the most wonderful and impressive landmarks of the land down under.

The area is vastly covered by sedimentary formations that form amazing landscapes with sandstone towers, plateaus and cliffs as high as 578 meters above sea level. It offers a sun-burnt outback setting. Other parts of the park include the wide sand plains, the grassy Ord River Valley and the limestone ridges. The wide sand plain is a barren land with only a few scattered trees whereas the limestone ridges and Osmond Ridges have more abundant vegetation. A mix of arid-desert, grasslands, and rocky land formations, Purnululu is balanced by creeks and rivers that provide life for the existence of its flora and fauna.

Tourist can have a view on the park through scenic flights. It is available through the park and is the best way to get the panorama of the massive Bungle Bungle Ranges. Trail walks and camping can also be done in order to have an in-depth exploration of the place. Tourists should be well-prepared, as the park offers few facilities and no accommodation. The dry season (April to December) is the best time to visit, as the park is close during the wet months.

Purnululu National Park
Purnululu National Park
Purnululu National Park is a

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