Palmyra Info

Palmyra Info

Would you like to visitPalmyra? If you do, then here are some tips about the place that can help you when you do.

Historical Background:

Palmyra can trace its roots of existence since the 1st century. Since that time, it was known to the people by these two names:

The Bride of the Desert– mainly because it is an important oasis where travelers can rest and replenish themselves prior to continuing their travel to the Syrian Desert.
Tadmor– a Semitic term that literally means “the town that repels” or the “indomitable town”. According to scholars the place rightfully acquired that name because even when the city was conquered by Romans and the Muslim Arabs, it was pretty much left on its own.


The temperature in Palmyra can range from 1.80°C to 38.35°C. The hottest months according to their climate chart are in between June to September. So if you plan to visit during those months, make sure you wear light pieces of clothing. You may also want to invest in a good hat, sunglasses and sun block to protect you from the hot Middle Eastern sun.

Places to Visit:

Temple of Baal– remains of a temple bearing an Oriental design. The temple was built originally as a worship place for the masses where sacrificial offering was commonly done. Later on, the same site was transformed to a Byzantine temple, then a mosque and finally a fortress for the Arabic and Byzantine warriors/ defenders.

Valley of Tombs– this site is somewhat comparable to the pyramids of Egypt. Here you can find the dead of significant Palmyran families whose bodies lie in sophisticated burial chambers.

The Museum– here you can find antiquities that date as far as the 1st Century when the city was established. But apart from those relics, a lot of people visit the museum to see the unique exhibit of Palmyran statues that show how locals used to dress up in the old days.

Arab Castle– this castle was built on a hill during the 17th century. Though the climb up and the descent down can be a little steep, the view of the ruins from the top of the hill is all well worth it.

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