Flag of Afghanistan

Flag of Afghanistan

Being a country that has endured several wars over different causes up until very recently,Afghanistanis a recovering sovereign state especially after the Taliban controversies. Because of its many challenges, the Afghan emblem has also had different versions depending on the state of the nation. Because of this, Afghanistan is known to be the country which has had the most changes in its emblem during the twentieth century than any other state in the world.

The Islamic Republic’s current national flag is a tri-colored banner of cultural implications. The insignia is divided into three vertical columns colored black, red and green from left to right. In the center, it is marked with the emblem of Afghanistan which bears an Arabic religious inscription and a picture of a mosque with a mat facing towards the direction of the holy land, Mecca. The mosque has two flags attached to it representing the flags of the state.

Interpretations of the choice in the emblem’s color scheme have been quite conflicting mainly because of the rather quick revisions on the flags. In 2002 when the flag was initially adopted, a ministry official said that the colors of the banner represented different time periods in the country’s history. He contended that the black portion represented the time when the country was occupied and did not enjoy its own independence.

The red portion, he said, was a symbol for the fight and battles engaged to resist occupation and the struggle for independence. The green portion is said to be the time when independence was at hand. Though the interpretation may show historical value, the three colors were already present in the editions during the late 1920s. It is assumed therefore that black represented the past Afghan flags showing sovereignty, red for progress and development, and green can signify the national religion – Islam.

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