Alaska Native Heritage Center

Alaska Native Heritage Center

A popular destination in Alaska for local and foreign visitors is theAlaska Native Heritage Center. This center was built in 1999 and is arguably the place to learn about of the rich culture of Alaska. It will not only give you the experience to witness just one cultural group, but most of them. You will get to know how it was to live in each indigenous group, how it was living in that period of time.

Some people have this impression that centers like this one can be boring and is just going to be a waste of time and money. The Heritage Center is not going to be boring at all. You will be entertained by programs which are specifically prepared for the visitors. Your eyes will also feast because of the life sized village displays which will give the clearest idea on how they lived and what they did for a living.

You will also get the chance to visit and learn about craft-making which are truly amazing. Visiting the center will definitely give you the feeling of importance of the past traditions and treasure the traditions that you presently have and practice.

It will be a really good learning experience for everyone, young and old. The center also have a variety of facilities. There are cafes if you get hungry and there are gift shops if you would want to bring home something that can remind you about your visit. Make sure to be in your most comfortable walking shoes to fully enjoy roaming around the whole of the center. To avoid the hassle when visiting, make sure to call in advance to get the full schedule and activities in the center.

Front of the Alaska Native
Alaska Native Heritage Center
Alaska Native Heritage Center

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