Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

It is never too late to be one with your faith no matter what congregation you belong to. At the San Francisco’sGrace Cathedral, all sects are welcome to have a quiet and serene moment any time of the day. This is one of the tourist spots that every traveler must include in their itinerary. There are several places to explore and one of the more popular ones is the labyrinth. Although there are some religions that prohibit them to enter a place of worship aside from their own, the Grace Cathedral also has art collections that are truly hard to resist.

In the Cathedral, several collections that date back centuries are for everyone to see. Once the pipes of the organ are played, the music will draw flocks of believers into the cathedral. Children are also welcome to enter since any place of worship has nice and spacious grounds for them to run around. Let them enter the cathedral but make sure that they are to keep silent at all times. The grounds are indeed a place for fun too since they can play there while you pray inside. Keep an eye on them while you pray or better yet, have a designated guardian to watch over them so they will not wander off too far when you’re not looking.

It is suggested to visit at noon even though it opens as early as seven in the morning on weekdays. San Francisco is known for chilly mornings, so it is recommended to go touring when the sun is already up and shining so you need not layer your clothes that much. When you are inside the cathedral, you might want to look up to check out all the intricate paintings and designs all over the church’s ceiling.

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
Grace Cathedral
Grace Cathedral, California

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