Flag of Estonia

Flag of Estonia

This country is known to have three different years that they achieved their freedom, and also the same number of years that this country was taken by Russia twice, and Germany once. In 1918, the flag of Estonia was first raised to declare the people’s nationalism to the country. But, after 22 years, Russia took over this country, and the first time that the flag was banned was on June 1940. After 2 days the flag was replaced by the Estonian SSR flag. In 1941, the Germans invaded this country and within 4 years, the Estonian flag was accepted but not acknowledged as the national symbol. However, in 1944, Germany gave back the freedom of Estonia. After the 45 years of freedom, Russia, for the second time occupied Estonia in 1989 and once again, the flag was removed for the rest of the year. Surprisingly, Russia finally restored the full independence of Estonia on August 7, 1990 as well as the three parallel bands of blue-black-white colors of Estonian flag which was hoisted on the Pikk Hermann tower.

On the other hand, if countries like Austria and Honduras describe the white color as peace and honesty, the Estonian flag characterize white to stand for the worth of determination headed for enlightenment and good value, liberty, and hope. This color also embodies the summer season as it was glistened by the midnight sun, and the snow and also the birch bark. Whilst, the blue color symbolizes loyalty, confidence in one’s self, and dedication, as this color is symbolic of the sky, lake and sea.

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