South Luangwa National Park Info

South Luangwa National Park Info

One of the most popular conservation parks in Zambia is the South Luangwa National Park. This place has a large variety of animal species that visitors enjoy seeing. It has been said that taking evening drives around the park provides the most number of animal appearances because most of them are nocturnal. Some of these include foraging hippopotamuses, genets cats, civets, hyenas, bush babies, nightjars and servals. Lions on the other hand can be seen at any time of the day as they freely roam the lands.

The South Luangwa National Park is also popular being the home to two unique subspecies. These include the Thorneycroft giraffes that have dark skin patterns and the Cookson’s wildebeest. Apart from the educational and fascinating safari trips, the park is also known for offering visitors a marvelous opportunity to observe the wide variety of birds in the park. You can find over four hundred different bird species in this park. Some of these are migrant birds while others are birds of prey. A great number of the birds that you will see are water birds that often wade and stalk prey in the lagoons and other small bodies of water. As you watch and marvel at their gracefulness, you can see them as they dive for fish, which is always a spectacle.

South Luangwa National Park
South Luangwa National Park Info
Giraffes Luangwa National Park

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