Indian Soups

Indian Soups

As soups are among the foods that are enjoyed by millions of people throughout the world, Indian soups are among those that continue to rise in popularity at present. It is primarily because of the fact that these soups continue to evoke delicious and flavorful tastes that everyone enjoys. Some of the soups in India that you will certainly enjoy in any occasion are the following:

Known as a South Indian soup, Rasam is traditionally prepared by using tamarind juice as a primary ingredient and adding chili pepper, tomato, and seasoning spices. To make the soup more exciting, some people might add steamed lentils and vegetables. If you want to try cooking Rasam but you do not want the hassle of gathering all the ingredients and spices that you need, you can use the Rasam powder as this is known to combine all the required ingredients beforehand. This powder is widely available in many markets, so you can easily find one. Rasam is said to be very unique in comparison to other soups. Its distinct and unique taste can be associated with the seasoning ingredients mixed into it. You can also expect Rasam to have a consistent fluid which makes it rather exciting. You can decide to either eat this soup with rice or try the soup alone.

Mulligatawny soup

Having an Anglo-Indian origin, Mulligatawny soup continues to rise in popularity as well because of its uniqueness and delectability. This soup is known to be curry-flavored and it has many variations. In the West, Mulligatawny soup can be seen as a turmeric-like soup which is yellow in color. Chicken meat, lamb meat or beef can be mixed in the soup and rice is often used to thicken it. This soup is proven to be best served when hot.

Indian Tomato Soup
This is also among the most popular Indian soups at present. It is made out of fine and fresh ingredients that set it apart from the rest of tomato soups all over the world. Its ingredients include fresh tomatoes, carrots, onions, salt, water, grated coconut, butter, all purpose flour, milk and black pepper. When these ingredients are combined at the right amounts, the resulting flavor can be extremely irresistible. To best enjoy this Indian dish, serve with several slices of toasted bread.

Indian Soups
Indian Soups
Indian Recipes Indian soups

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