
Of all the tourist destinations that you can find in the southern Netherlands, Maastricht is said to have the most relaxing atmosphere. It’s old world charm has attracted many tourists from all over the world to make their way to this quaint little city, famous not just for the history, but also for the scenery as well. Taking a walk on its cobblestone streets is like taking a walk back into time.

If you want to imagine how Maastricht was like during the olden days, the best way that you can do so is by hanging out at the old town squares that you will find in the heart of this small city, the Vrijthof and the Markt. In the Vrijthof you will find the 2 infamous churches of St. Jan’s Cathedral and the spectacular St. Servaas church. It’s here that most festivals take place so if you happen to visit around the time when the city holds its carnival before lent, then you’re in for a real treat. Looking to do some shopping? Then you should definitely visit the Markt on Wednesdays and Saturdays, when vendors from all around gather to give you the best of the local handicrafts and produce.

Museums are plenty in Maastricht that allotting just one day to explore the rich history and art collections of all of them would be a shameful thing. Visit the Bonnenfantenmuseum if you want to see a vast collection of paintings, sculptures and Maastricht silver. For those who want to learn more about the city’s natural history, there’s the Natuurhistorisch museum.

So there you have it, visit this charming little city for the beautiful buildings, the history and the multicultural atmosphere and you won’t regret it.

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