Meiji Mura: Museum & Theme Park in Aichi

Meiji Mura: Museum & Theme Park in Aichi

The Meiji Mura is an outdoor Museum & Theme Park located in lnuyama within Aichi prefecture, Japan near Nagoya (capital of Aichi prefecture). In March 18, 1965, the Museum was opened to the public. Meiji Mura shows the ancient history of Japans’ buildings from 1867-1989. It consists of 65 buildings at the time of Meiji period since 1868-1912. During that time at Lake lruka, more than 60 famous buildings were moved and reconstructed over an area of 247 acres. This museum is known to safeguard the ancient constructions. Meiji Mura is open to public from 9:30a.m. to 5:p.m

The most recognized building at the this theme park is the main entrance of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo 1923 to 1967. The original structure was taken out and a new one was constructed for the hotel. Taniguchi Yoshiro was the person who started the Meiji Mura, known to be an architect and Moto Tsuchikawa, and eventually the vice president for Meiji Mura and later the president for Nagoya Railroad. Nagoya Railroad is the place that operated the Museum. When Meiji Mura was first opened in 1965, the Museum director was Taniguchi with over 15 buildings.

At the time of construction, Japan has seen a most influenced change. Japan started using the skills of western countries, which included techniques in construction changes in the construction style. The main motto of Meiji Mura is to safeguard the historical buildings which included their past culture. The architecture determines their methods and their strong techniques used in the construction. This museum also includes Hawaii, Seattle and Brazil buildings.

As per 2005, a post office which is operational till date has been included. Among all buildings, some buildings are empty and some buildings determine the history such as its period, furniture etc. Some other structures including summer house of Shizuoka and St. Francis Xavier cathedral are preserved at Meiji Mura. The St. Francis Xavier cathedral is available for everyone for weddings.

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The Museum Meiji-Mura in front
Meiji Mura: Museum & Theme Park in Aichi
AICHI prefecture INUYAMA city

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