
The capital and the most populous city in Sri Lanka is not only busy in business and trade industry. Colombo is a perfect spot where anyone can witness how the past and present meet at a crossroad. This is the very reason why thousands of tourists flock the place every year.

Situated in the west coast, Colombo boasts of magnificent man-made wonders that will leave visitors at awe. One of this wonders is the Wolvendaal Church built in 1749 that became a center of religious beliefs and practices. Another site is the old Legislative Council Building in Colombo fort that served protection spots against Dutch and British oppressors. The Gargarama temple is another religious hub and tourist destination in the city.

Aside from these man-made glories, nature shares its part of attracting tourists. In a fairly temperate climate, the Beira Lake is a perfect spot to visit. It is where colorful regattas sail and several theatrical events are being held.

A visit to Colombo is also a lifetime opportunity to discover a mixture of culture that existed for many centuries now. One will be able to admire Sinhalese art, Tamil writings and Moor architectures all at once. Aside from these traditions the native delicacies are also a must to discover.

There is so much to witness in a city where life continues to lead towards modernization. Despite of the demanding world today, Colombo definitely has its own culture and wonders to share in the world.

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