

Imagine that you are strolling along a flower-bordered lake. Stopping by a restaurant, you decide to take a sip of their famous wine. The relaxing scenery, and distinct aroma and taste of wine just makes you want to savor your moments in this charming city. This is exactly what a typical experience will be in Montreux, Switzerland.

Montreux has been a significant settlement even in the Roman times, when viticulture or growing of grapes was introduced in the town. Knowing this, it is quite obvious that wine is an important product produced in Montreux.

Grapes were not the only plants enjoying the mild climate of the town. If you walk through its streets and surroundings, you would notice the abundance of pine trees, cypresses, and palm trees that grow everywhere.

The Chillon Castle which is a famous highlight of the town is also noteworthy to visit, as well as the magnificent Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, and the modern Montreux Music and Convention Center. The castle, which is now a museum, has been a fortress for Bonivard for four years, and gave Lord Byron an inspiration for his poem “The Prisoners of Chillon” in the year 1816.

The Clarens cemetery is also described as one of the most beautiful parks in the town. Many celebrities are resting underneath this attractive park.

Montreux has a railway which allows passengers to witness the beautiful points of western Switzerland and transports them all the way to Rochers-de-Naye. The stunning view of Lake Geneva and Bernese Alps can be seen by anyone who rides the train.

They also have this Chocolate Train that takes the visitors to Nestle chocolate factory for tasting during special days.

Besides site-seeing, winter sports enthusiasts will enjoy skiing in this region. Water sports during the summer season are also perfect for this ideal place. The lake serves as a venue for sports, bathing and cruising alike.

Lots of restaurants are present in the town, and in December, you can experience one of the most amazing Christmas markets Switzerland has.

Visiting Montreux is definitely a worthwhile experience that any visitor can have; despite other claims that it is a dull part of Switzerland.

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