

Maewois an island in Vanuatu located in the Penama Province. It is 105 kilometers east of Espiritu Santo, whose total population is 1,772.

The island is a very beautiful island, filled with lush and green vegetation. This island receives the highest rainfall in Vanuatu, with more than 2,500 mm per year. Because of this, Maewo is very fertile and well wooded. It is filled with fresh water and bountiful waterfalls, plus it also has hot springs located at the center of the island. It is a frequent stop for boats for fresh water supply. Its coastline is covered with many pristine black sand beaches.

The locals of Maewo are known to have many ancient secret societies. Its cultures are rich and diverse, where one could find many different custom dances and rituals (such as pig killing). There is only one air field in the island, at Naone which is situated in the North. Flights operate every Wednesdays and Fridays.

Important Phrases to Learn

Learning a few phrases while in Vanuatu will prove handy. Remember that the islands used to be a French colony, thus many of the locals can understand French. Here are some handy phrases you might find helpful:

  • Hello – Halo or Bonjour
  • Goodbye – Tata or Au revoir
  • Please – Plis or S’il vous plait
  • You’re welcome – I orate nomo or C’est de rien
  • Yes – Yes or Oui
  • Excuse me – Skiusmi or Excusez Moi
  • Good morning – Gudmoning or Bonjour
  • Good evening – Gudnaet or Bonsoir

Things to Do

  • Go to the summit of Earth’s most accessible active volcano, the Mt. Yasur. You can peer into the crater and see the bubbling lava! The sight is even more spectacular at night time, when the lava is even more visible against the black sky.
  • Go scuba diving and snorkelling! The waters of Vanuatu offer good visibility and warm waters, ensuring excellent conditions for swimming, kayaking, fishing, diving, snorkelling, waterskiing and other water activities. Check out the shipwrecks and WWII relics. The most popular diving sites are the shipwreck of the liner President Coolidge as well as the destroyer USS Tucker.
  • Go hiking through Maewo’s lush rainforest and rugged mountains.
  • Check out Vanuatu’s varied birdlife, especially on the southern islands. The perfect time for bird watching is during breeding season, which happens between months September to January.

Maewo Island
Asanvari waterfall, Maewo

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