

Gode, Ethiopia is a city in the part of Ogaden. It is the largest city of the Gode Zone bordered by Afder and the Oromia Region. It was the capital city of Somali from the late 1992 until it was moved to Jijiga in early 1994. Gode is home to an International and domestic airport with regular flights. A bridge was built in 1968 next to this city that extended over Shebelle River, which also defines its south western boundaries. The bridge is next to Gode, opening up the city to transportation traffic.

The city has a rich story to tell throughout history. The city was imprisoned under the before the start of the Ogaden war. It was not freed until the end of July 1997 by the Western Somali Liberation Front. Gode has also been a central target to several recent famines, some even requiring help from the UN High Commission for Refugees to provide food for the people.

Many would know that Gode is famed for something not inspiring – famine and war. The history is rich in murders and wars. This makes the place appealing to those who want a little chilling adventure for a vacation. The city total population of more than 68 thousand will make your stay in this place very memorable.

Aside from the remnant of a dire history, the city also offers colourful landmarks and marketplaces that integrate their rich cultural heritage. An airport makes it very accessible and land travel is also no hassle. Let the city offer you an exotic vacation with its admirable treasure collected from its entire history.

Gode, Ethiopia is a city in

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