

With cool summers and warm winters,Heidelberg, Germany makes for a great destination whatever month it is. But what sets Heidelberg apart from other German cities is its link with the Romanticism period. In fact, the city has been dubbed as a romantic town. But despite this label, it’s not just couples or lovers who troop to this magnificent city of lush greens and mountains, beautiful castle ruins, and Baroque architecture.

When you visit the city, at your disposal are countless of historical sites that serve as memoirs to the glorious past of this city. The Heidelberg Castle is one of them, which is basically the landmark of the city. This is in fact considered to be one of the most important structures in the city during the Renaissance period. Now, more than just being a tangible memory of the past, it’s now being used as for dinner banquets, balls, theater productions, musicals, and concerts. Even the park surrounding the castle is just as important because Johann von Goethe once trudged that park.Other historical structures in Heidelberg that plays an important role in the city’s history and culture full of character are the University of Heidelberg which is the oldest university in Germany, the Church of the Holy Spirit, and the Palatinate Museum.

As previously mentioned, the romance in Heidelberg doesn’t seem to end because it was the center of Romanticism both in philosophy and literature in Germany before. And with this, the city has embraced this and has established numerous events and festivals to lure even more people to visit this “romantic” city. There’s the “Heidelberger Frühling” Classic Music Festival, Heidelberger Castle Festival, and more events spread throughout the year. There is also one festival that is uniquely different from the usual, the Ball of the Vampires, which is held every February. This event is attended by locals who wear vampire costumes and party at the city hall or sometimes, the local castle. Although it appears to be a complete turnaround from the city’s romantic title, it is a celebrated event in Heidelberg.

Simply walking around the city will evoke memories of the city’s past, evident in its splendid Renaissance-like town hall and castles and streets of cobblestones and oudoor cafes. This 109 square kilometer-city, kown for bringing out the romantic side of its visitors, is without a doubt, a worthwhile and memorable city for everybody.

Heidelberg Castle
Heidelberg Castle

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