Moremi Game Reserve

Moremi Game Reserve

Though it is still hard to directly access Moremi Game Reserve without paying a lot of money, the enjoyment and the amazing spectacles you will witness are surely worth every dollar you will be spending.

Situated at the eastern section of the Okavango delta, the Moremi game reserve spans to almost five thousand kilometers and serves as a refuge for the highest concentration of leopards and endangered African wild dogs all over the globe.

What You Should Not Miss

The concentration of floodplains, lagoons, acacia forests, and mopane woodlands offer the tourists a diversity of sites to feast their eyes on. Not to mention the variety of wildlife available that freely roam around the game reserve.

Great forests and lakes that are very clear are present in Moremi game reserve which enables different kinds of species to thrive. Tourists can roam around the area in four wheel drives to be amazed by the preserved sanctuary for endangered species.

Wildlife viewing is one of the most exciting spectacles while in Moremi game reserve. To see different animals wandering around in the different areas throughout the reserve, driving your four wheel drive will be easier, exciting, and more safer than walking.

What You Should Know

Getting to Moremi game reserve can be tricky since the road is not well built and the signs that direct you there are poorly made. The easiest way to get to the game reserve is via plane which is quite costly. Being prepared financially is important so that you won’t have a hard time while on tour.

Lodging in Moremi is also quite costly, so you need to prepare yourself for their rates especially during times where there are many tourists coming in.

Skies: Moremi Game Reserve
Moremi Game Reserve
Moremi Game Reserve

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