

Palermo, Italy is the capital of the Island of Sicily. It is located on the northern coast and may be reached from other Italian centers and European cities by plane, through the Palermo International Airport.

To get around the city, you may take the bus or train that has hourly trips or take a taxi to get to your desired destination. Car rentals are also available and you may book one right at the airport. The Port of Palermo is serviced by ferries to and from other major Italian Ports, such as Genoa, Naples, Malta, Cagliari and Civitàvecchia, regularly if you want to get into the city by boat.

Palermo has many hotels where you may stay in during your vacation. Depending on your budget and other preference, there are hotels suitable for you around the city. These hotels are usually surrounded by restaurants, cafes, stores and other establishments that may be essential for your stay.

Though Palermo is not as popular to tourists as Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan, it still offers many sites to see and places to enjoy. There are historical monuments and cultural and naturalistic attractions that may interest visitors who would like to explore the city.

One of the must-see structures in Palermo, Italy is the Gesu Church. Constructed between 1564-1633, this church marks an important turning point in the city’s architecture history as its completion signaled the start of the Sicilian Baroque period.

The Catacombe dei Cappuccini or the catacombs of the Capuchin convent in Piazza Cappuccini houses over 8,000 mummified remains of former inhabitants of Palermo and residents of nearby villages. Some remains are amazingly preserved, keeping the human form, while others appear to be just clothed skull and bones. A tour of this place will definitely bring excitement to adventure seekers, but parents must think carefully before bringing their young as they may be spooked out at the sight of the mummies.

Many structures on Palermo showcase artistic mosaics that are also common attractions among tourists. Some of these mosaics can be found inside churches and chapels, like the byzantine mosaics inside La Martorana church near Quattro Canti, the symbolic crossroads in the city; Cappella Palatina and the mosaic in Monreale Cathedral.

One of the favorite activities of tourists while on vacation is shopping, and in Palermo, you will definitely enjoy buying souvenirs from the street markets near the Piazza del Carmine and Vucciria.

If you want to discover a different side of Italy, then call your travel agent now and plan your grand vacation to Palermo.

Visit Palermo

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