

As it is now considered to be one of the most modern cities that you will find in the Benelux area, it’s hard to imagine that Rotterdam was once badly devastated during the 2nd World War. This port city now boasts of high rising towers wherever you look, making it a top destination for both professional architects and architectural buffs. But don’t let your impression of Rotterdam be about buildings alone, as this city knows how to party hard through the early hours of the morning.

If you’re passionate about art and photography, you may want to set aside a couple of days out of your holiday just to explore the different museums that the city has to offer you. You can find numerous galleries in the heart of the city that will satisfy your love for beautiful masterpieces. If you’re interested in film, then make sure that you book your trip to Rotterdam for the annual international film festival that always happens on February.

Your visit to this exciting city will never be complete without a climb to the Euromast Space Tower. Here you will find a grand view of the entire city while you’re 605 ft. high off the ground. Once you’ve gotten tired of taking in the sights at such impressive heights, you may want to relax for awhile and have a taste culinary delights that tickle your fancy at an impressive restaurant that’s located midway in the tower.

Nights in Rotterdam are as entertaining as the days since the nightlife in this city is never dull or boring. From clubs to cocktail bars to all sorts of cinemas, you can keep yourself and all your companions entertained until the wee hours of the morning. Just remember to avoid dark alleys and streets around midnight as pickpockets and drug runners are known to roam the area at this time.

There’s just so much to see and do in this vibrant city so don’t just take our word for it. Start planning for your Rotterdam Netherlands trip today and experience the excitement yourself.

The Cubic Houses of Rotterdam
AIESEC Rotterdam

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