The Tikal National Park

The Tikal National Park

The Tikal National Park is undeniably one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Guatemala. Besides being the largest excavated site on the continent of the Americas, it is also considered as Guatemala’s most popular preserve, both culturally and naturally. A proof to this would be its recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Tikal National Park also has this certain strong point that makes it an instant tourist spot. Besides its quite large area (which is very unsuitable for a day’s travelling or traversing by foot,) the park looks like a jigsaw puzzle that people commonly see on games like Jumanji, Zuma and other jungle-themed movies.

Numerous monuments are built in this area that date back to as early as 900 A.D. These monuments have inscriptions on the walls depicting the lives of the people who have lived during the era when Maya civilizations had been so prevalent. The rituals and the traditions that were done before are still being done now by the people living in the area.

Burial sites, stelae (carved stones that look like mini monuments,) altars and temples are also other things that will get the tourists moving during their stay in the Tikal National Park. These are highly maintained so that anything that might be informative and helpful to the visitors will not fade or get erased. Fortunately, the details of these structures remain impeccable, so visitors will not be disappointed when taking photographs.

Tourists should never pass up on such opportunity to see this heritage site and appreciate and be amazed at how the people in the area were able to preserve its beauty.

Interested visitors can check out the site’s official address on the internet to find out more about the site, which is

Visiting Tikal National Park,
The Tikal National Park
Tikal National Park,

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