Chobe National Park

Chobe National Park

Chobe national park is one of the few places in Africa where you can see a great concentration of elephants, rhinos, hippos, and even lions. Taking a tour at Chobe is definitely a lifetime experience that is fun and exciting.

The mopane forests and the marshes present in Chobe national park provide the perfect possible habitat for a variety of animals to thrive on. The area that spans up to eleven thousand kilometers is definitely a great habitat for diverse species.

What You Should Not Miss

The Gobabis Hill is one of the main attractions present in Chobe National Park. A host to several four thousand year old rock paintings, all of which originated from Sans, lie on the base of the northern part of the hill.

Safaris should be on top of your list when at Chobe national park. You can choose from multi-day or day and evening safaris are available with the use of superb facilities that will make you have the best time while on tour.

If you want to spot some crocodiles and other animals that inhabit the rivers of Chobe, the riverfront is where you should be going. However, if you fail from seeing free crocodiles roaming around the river, you can also go to Kazungula crocodile farm which is near.

What You Should Know

Some areas in Chobe national park might not be accessible during rainy seasons that span from January to March. On other seasons, using a four wheel drive will enable you to drive around the park and explore the diversity of the wilderness.

The facilities in Chobe national park are actually great and many tourists have commended these facilities and also the service of the staff. Booking your reservations and choosing additional tour packages can be done while on Chobe national park so it is actually easy to have a great time.

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Chobe National Park
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