

Myanmar will always be the home of temples, palaces, pagodas, monasteries, museums, and a lot of other cultural landmarks. Indeed, your visit to this country will not be complete without having a glimpse of thousands of these scenes in the background. However, if you wish for your trip to deviate from this cultural travel, you must pay a visit to the great city of Meiktila. You will be surprised as to how Mother Nature has presented a great gift to this land.

One of the best attractions in this city is Lake Meiktila. Compared to other lakes across the world, this one is a lot different. This lake has given life to millions of people dating back to the ancient times. Yes, Lake Meiktila, called the Royal Lake, has been supplying the drinking water of all the residents in the region. Much more, it has given life to thousands of crops through land irrigation. It will be worth your time to experience this great royal water of Myanmar.

Aside from this generous function of Lake Meiktila, it makes it a good tourist ground because of how it is divided into portions and dams. The lake is divided into two portions known to the public as the northern and southern portion. The first part has heavy silting while the latter has crystal clear water. Some of the known dams that help in modulating the water in this lake include the ChaungKauk, Lon-Ngin, Let-Khook-Pin, and NyaungKone.

So if you wish to experience the wonders of the gift Meiktila has received, it is worth to visit this lake. It will always give you a memorable trip if you can see for yourself the amazing generosity of this body of water.

Meiktila is located in the
Meiktila Location Map

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