Ladakh and Its Mountains

Ladakh and Its Mountains

Ladakh, also called the Land of the High Passes, is part of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. It lies in between two world’s greatest mountain ranges, i.e. the Himalayan Ranges and the Karakorum Ranges. The people who stay there are migrants of Indo Aryans and Tibetan civilization.

The Ladakh region is very thinly populated. This place is said to be the young land and only formed a few million years ago. Ladakh has an altitude of 9000 feet at Kargil and 21,170 feet at Saser Kanri. The temperature in winter reaches minus 22 degree Celsius and during summers, can go up to 20 plus. Leh and Ladakh have been said to be the only places where you can have a sun stroke as well as frostbit at the same time.

Water in such places is always scarce because the place hardly receives any rain. Ladakh was once covered by a Lake. The main source of water here is the melted water from the snow which is carried down by smaller streams and thus helps in irrigation. The farmers usually pray that the rains should not destroy their crops and the sun should melt the snow which should be the real source of irrigation. It is interesting and shocking to know that the place does not receive any water from the rain for almost 300 days in one year.

There are beautiful mountains all over Ladakh and it’s worth visiting if you’re into mountain activities. Some of the adventures that tourists can indulge into are mountain climbing, cycling, Jeep and yak safari, trekking etc. Also, there are a lot of monateries in Ladakh that are worth visiting.

Mountains of Ladakh (Photo:
Ladakh and Its Mountains
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