The Sydney Opera House is situated in Sydney, Australia. The opera house was made a part of the UNESCO, World Heritage Site in 2007 and is said to be the world’s most distinct 20th century buildings. It is also considered one of the most famous performing art centers in the world. The Sydney Opera House was built by an architect Jorn Utzon and also received the Pritzker prize in the year 2003. The synopsis of the quotation that was written on it said that the opera house is one of the masterpieces designed by this architect and will be considered the icon of the 20th century not only for this city but also for the country & continent of Australia.
The Sydney Opera House is located on the Sydney Harbor, which is very close to the Sydney Bridge. The opera house serves as a venue for art performing center rather than just the opera theater. To name a few, it became a major presenting venue for Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony. It is maintained and administered by the Sydney Opera House Trust.
The opera house has a concert hall with a seating capacity of 2,679 seats, the Opera Theater with a seating capacity of 1507 seats, a drama theater that can accommodate 544 seats, a play house, a studio, Utzon Room and a Forecourt. The opera house covers a total are of 4.5 acres. It is 605 feet long, 388 feet wide and is made up of concrete frame, precast and ribbed roof. Its construction got completed in the year 1973.

Sydney Opera House

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