Luxembourg Info

Luxembourg Info

The city of Luxembourg is the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It has served as one of the world’s strongest fortresses as far back as 963. The fortifications are now transformed into parks and gardens that are few of the best places to visit in the city of Luxembourg.

Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994 and named European Capital of Culture twice, the whole city boasts its rich culture told through ancient fortresses, underground tunnels, and buildings and churches that are over a millennium old. Other places to visit are the Grand Ducal Palace, the Capuchin’s Theater where major events are held, and the Walls of the Corniche deemed to be the most beautiful balcony in Europe.

The Bock Cliff is a stone structure which serves as an entrance to a stone-hewn underground tunnel known as the Casemates. The Casemates is a 21 kilometer network of passages that served as shelter for some thousands during wars. It also served as housings for equipments, horses, workshops, and for food storage.

At the heart of the city is the Place D’Armes which is a starting place for many tours. It has a tourist information booth to give guides to tourists. The Rathskeller fortress is also nearby and a quick destination after visiting Place D’Armes.

Visiting Luxembourg City isn’t complete without a drink of their wines. Taste dry whites and sweet reds that go perfectly by themselves, or with meals.

The interesting architecture of the city’s bridges attracts many tourists all year round. The city offers a variety of farms and woodland, villages and valleys, and magnificent castles. It never stops to offer new sights and sounds that excite visitors each and every time.

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