

Lined with shores of significant trading ports, Bergen, Norway shines with its rich historical infrastructures and remarkable culture. Once you visit this city, you will discover more valuable treasures on earth, and you will surely love Norway in a new way.

The first spot to visit on your list should be the Fantoft Stave Church. It is a majestic piece of architecture that you shouldn’t miss. Next on the list is the Fresco Hall, which serves as the city’s tourist information center. You will be amaze on the murals on its walls and the stories behind the design of this building.

Another great place that you should visit in Bergen is mount Floyen, where you can have an over view the entire city and its coastline. It is just a walking distance when you are in the city’s fish market, and you will enjoy the cool climate on top.

A visit in this place will not be complete if you do not shop for some souvenir items. It is time to get yourself involved in some Bergen shopping, so do not forget to visit Allmenningen Art Shop, Baker Brun, The Body Shop, Beyer Libris, and the Husfliden Handicraft.

If you are seeking for another type of fun aside from sightseeing, some activities you can do in this place are cruising along the coastline, hiking, indoor swimming, sailing, or play some sports like golf, basketball, and soccer.

Bergen offers some of the finest things in the world for you. Never miss a chance to have those by visiting this place and enjoy your time here.

1 Clarion Hotel Bergen Airport
1 Clarion Hotel Bergen Airport

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