Flag of Zambia

Flag of Zambia

Zambia, as a landlocked country in South Africa, has much to be thankful for its luscious green plains and rich mineral resources. The country is blessed with high plateaus and valleys that make it conducive for farming, mining, and other industries of that sort. The country was once a British colony too, experiencing the same fate as most of its neighbors did under the great conquest of the British flag across many places. It was in 1964 when Zambia managed to gain its independence and claimed the name from being once called Northern Rhodesia.

The country’s flag is very reflective of the country’s geography and its celebration of the independence it enjoys freely to this day. The flag’s base is dominantly green. This sharply signifies the country’s rich and fertile agricultural land and the produce that it generates. It also shows the importance given by the Zambian people to the natural wonders that they are blessed with.

The flag also has three vertical stripes in the lower right hand corner of the banner. The red, black and orange bars from left to right each show different facets of the country’s life and history. The red column symbolizes the country’s struggle for independence which caused bloodshed and devastation. The central black column is a remembrance of the people who, African in ethnicity are black-skinned. The orange bar stands for the mineral wealth enjoyed by the country particularly, copper. On top of the three bars is an orange eagle which shows the people’s ability to rise above every problem they may encounter. The eagle is the symbol of Zambia’s freedom and is also found in its coat of arms.

In Zambian law, the flag must only be raised during the hours between sunrise and sundown. Also, there are plenty of laws covering right use and respectful regulations for the national symbol.

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