St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral is an Anglican Cathedral found in Ludgate Hill in the City of London. This cathedral has been generally reckoned as London’s fifth St. Paul’s Cathedral. The cathedral is located on the highest point of London. The cathedral is one of the most visited cathedrals or sights in London. The cathedral was built using Portland Stone in late Renaissance Style or them. This style represents England’s sober Baroque. The dome was inspired by St. Peter’s basilica in Rome. You may also find three small chapels in two adjoining aisles. The Whispering Gallery has an approximate height of 99ft from the cathedral floor.

The huge organ was created way back in 1694. It is the third biggest instrument in Britain. It has 7,189 pipes and 108 stops. The impressive case was created by Grinling Gibbons. The cathedral possesses a very substantial crypt. They hold over 200 memorials, and serve both the Order of the British Empire Chapel and the Treasury Department. Back in 1810, major robbery took place and almost all the precious artifacts were stolen. You will also find the tomb of Christopher Wren in this cathedral. Above his tomb, there was a message written as “Lector, si monumentum requires, circumspice.” This message means “Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you.”

St. Paul’s Cathedral was used for the marriage of Price Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Way back in 2001, a memorial service to honor victims of the September 11, 2001 attack was held in this very cathedral as well. The memorial service was attended by the Royal Family and US Ambassador William Farish. In 2004, Farish told The Times that this event showed the strong relationship between the United States and Britain.

The cathedral is open to the public for viewing. You may climb the 530 steps to the golden gallery; this is the perfect spot where you can see the fine view of London. Back in 2000, the cathedral has undergone a major restoration and was scheduled to finish on 2008 to celebrate the 300th anniversary of its opening.

St Paul's Cathedral interior
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Interior (arcade) of St Paul's

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