Copper Queen Mine

Copper Queen Mine

When visiting a place filled with tons of attractions and things to do, having a tour of specialty places should be one of them. In the town of Bisbee, touring theQueen Copper Mineis a must do. Taking a tour at this mine is unlike any tour you’ll experience.

Bisbee is one of the mining districts in the world that has the largest deposits of different gemstones, particularly zinc, lead, silver, gold and copper. During the beginning of mining in Bisbee, when copper production began the Phelps Dodge Corporation through a subsidiary took control of the mining operation and became one of the biggest copper producers.

When it closed down, in the summer of 1975, the mayor of Bisbee brought the idea of a mine tour in which the history of mining is to be kept alive for future generations. Now the former employees of Phelps Dodge became in charge of the tour. Upon taking the tour of the mine, visitors will be dressed accordingly with hard hats and a miner’s head lamp.

During this time the tour guide will lead the group and help them experience what it is like to work as a miner together with informing them about how the miners back then used to do it, their techniques, how long they worked every day and the different kinds of dangers they face every time they enter the mine.

If you are curious as to what mining would be like then this is a great tour for you. Not only you will get to wear what miners would wear, you get to experience what it is like to be one as well and even learn some things about those times that the mining industry did in order to progress the world into another era of development.

Inside the Copper Queen mine
Copper Queen Mine
Copper Queen Mine

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