Fribourg City

Fribourg City

Fribourg is the capital city of Fribourg state, Switzerland. It is located close to the River Saane, the longest river in Switzerland. It is an administrative, educational, and economic center. Fribourg boasts as being Switzerland’s best maintained cities.

It has an elevation of about 581 meters and the Old City is located on the top of a hill that measures about 40 meters high. The city covers an area of about 9.3 square kilometers and the population is about 34,208. Majority of the people speak French and the rest of the people speak Italian and German. The main religion here is Christianity.

Fribourg is famous for its architectural buildings and these structures are major tourist destinations. People come the visit these sites:

Town Hall
The Town Hall is located in the Middle of the city. It was built by Gylian and Hans Felder in between the years 1501-1522. It features two gorgeous wall paintings and a clock tower in the front. The interiors were done in Gothic style in the 16th century by Louis XVI.

St Nicholas Cathedral
The cathedral is located in the middle of the city. It was built in Gothic Style in between 14th and 15th centuries. The choir stalls, choir screen, and stained glass from the 15th century are major attractions here.

Notre-Dame Church
This church was built in the 12th century and it is also Fribourg’s oldest church. Built in a Baroque style, it was first built as a museum and later converted to a church.

Arts and History Museum
One of the famous museums in the world, it houses a collection of coins, decorative objects and paintings starting from the 11th century to 20th century. Also it features several artifacts belonging to Medieval and Roman Ages.

St Bartholome Chapel
This chapel is one of the world’s major Christian sites in the world. It was built in the 16th century and features a fine stained glass inside the cathedral.

Fribourg city
Fribourg City
Fribourg Fribourg City

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