

Newcastle upon Tyne or just Newcastle as commonly called is truly something that you have to set sights on when you want to experience an unforgettable travel experience while in England.

Tourists flock to this lively city because of the diversity of attractions that it possesses. From a quiet walk along its sandy beaches and dunes, you can go to the Millennium Bridge over the River Tyne where many tourists are also enjoying the vibrant colors that play over the river. From there, you can drop by a variety of museums, theaters and city arcades such as the Central Arcade, which is a traditional shopping arcade beautifully preserved as a memoir to the city’s heritage.

One of the best attractions in the city is Grainger Town, which houses the best buildings and streets in Newcastle upon Tyne. Here, you can find the Theater Royal, Grainger Market, Grainger Street, Clayton Street and Grey Street, which was voted as the finest street in England in a poll made by BBC Radio. The town is the historic heart of the city, making it a top site in tourists’ itinerary. Grey’s monument, built in 1838, is a popular spot where a lot of people gather and where you can find Andean music as well as political and religious speakers.

If you are interested in shopping for Oriental products and if you have a taste for Oriental dishes, you can these in Newcastle upon Tyne’s Chinatown wherein you can find Japanese, Korean and Chinese restaurants and shops.

The famous Hadrian’s Wall can also be found in Newcastle upon Tyne. Built by the Roman Empire, this landmark in the Western part of the city is a frequently visited by tourists who marvel at how this wall was built. It was built in AD 122.

Newcastle upon Tyne boasts of the rich culture of the Geordies who still speak their own dialect and value their heritage. Newcastle is also known for its fun-loving people and its rich night life which is famous throughout England because of its number of pubs, night clubs and bars.

Part of every fun-loving city is the celebration of festivals which attracts many tourists yearly. The most popular festivals are The Hoppings taking place every June, MELA every August, Continental Christmas Market every December, Northern Pride every summer and The Evolution Festival every Spring Bank celebration.

So if England is your next travel destination, never miss to visit Newcastle upon Tyne to compete that vacation of a lifetime.

Newcastle bridges
Newcastle CulturEuro Seminar

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