Big Spring Park

Big Spring Park

The body of water known by many as the ‘big spring’ served as the foundation of what is known today as the city of Huntsville. It is so called Big Spring as it is referred to by indigenous tribes. Its founder, John Hunt saw this spring and with its abundance in water resource and a plentiful area for hunting big game he settled near this spring. The Big Spring became the water source of the early people of Huntsville and is now one of the famous parks around Huntsville.

Unlike other parks where hiking trails, cabins, and camping sites are available,Big Spring Parkis simply what it is called: a park. Nothing much to do that involves making reservations, complex trip preparations and the like but simply a place for people to relax and enjoy the environment around the spring. Even without many outdoor activities to be done in this park, people can enjoy a simple outdoor of their own playing common and simple outdoor games or just have a small picnic by the big spring.

Big Spring Park today features gifts from other countries which include a 1903 light beacon, commonly known or referred to as a lighthouse, a 1929 fog bell and other smaller gifts. In addition to these features, the place is also known to be a venue for the event called Panoply Arts Festival which is a celebration of the arts with a variety of hands-on activities, different kinds of performances, exhibits and demonstrations. This event is celebrated annually and lasts for three days, and is a Huntsville tradition since the 14th of May in the year 1982.

In addition to the art festival, the Big Spring is also a venue for the Big Spring Jam which is a music festival that is also celebrated annually and lasts for three days. This music festival is celebrated during the fourth weekend in September and began in the year 1993.

Though it may seem peaceful during ordinary days, during these special festivals the big spring comes to life. With lots of people celebrating, the Big Spring makes for a good place of enjoyment for both family and friends.

File:Big Spring Park Sign,
Big Spring Park
Big Spring Park, Huntsville,

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