

Gawad, Iraq is probably not on your list when it comes to places you would want to have a vacation at. Most people don’t want to go to Iraq because they think that Iraq is a dangerous country to visit and they feel like there are no great places to visit in Iraq. Well, this is quite a misconception about Iraq. The truth is that Iraq is actually rich in its natural beauty and the whole place will also make you feel like you are in a different place. The culture in Iraq is very rich because it is a mixture or Arab, Muslim and there are still some US troops living in the country.

When you go to this place, you should not miss out the national museums which are home to so many different historical ruins from ancient times. Some of the ruins that you will find here are mentioned in the Bible. The theaters shouldn’t also be missed wherein you can witness a great array of artists like ballet dancers. Not only is dancing popular here but also music. If you think that the music in this place is old school, think again. Since the invasion of the Americans, this place is now also filled with Western music such as pop, hip hop and rock.

The food in this place shouldn’t also be missed. However, if you are not really into spicy foods, tell the server because a lot of foods served in this country are really filled with peppers and chili

Riad Abdel-Gawad: Egypt
Rasha Abdel Gawad

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