

Tetovo is one unique place that exhibits Islamic and Christian cultures co-existing in a community harmoniously. Many cathedral churches are built all over the city which exemplifies the predominance of Christianity for a long time. But many different structures also portray that many forms of culture are brought to the place and was practiced by the inhabitants of Tetovo.

If you are touring the place by foot, you might want to visit an ethno-museum found inside the house of architect Simeon Zlatev. This house can be found on Dzepciste near Tetovo and is aspiring to enter the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s smallest ethno-museum. The room carries about 1,150 items and the tiny museum can only accommodate one person each time.

The Turkish Amam and The Decorated Mosque are among the religious places that double as a tourist destination. The unmatched craftsmanship of these structures made it known not only in Tetovo but also throughout Macedonia and even the whole world. The Bel Tepe Fortress and Arabati Baba Teke are also tourist spots in Tetovo. Travel light so you wouldn’t get tired easily when you look at these tourist spots.

And finally, a word of caution: do not ask questions about the rift between Macedonians an Albanians. There are proper venues to ask this question but never attempt to do this while in Tetovo.

And if you want unmatched beauty of scenery and warm hospitality from the people, Tetovo is the place to go. Book early and enjoy lower rates.

Tetovo - Makedonija, panorama
Hotel Tivoli Tetovo

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