Davidson Glacier

Davidson Glacier

Since its discovery by John Muir at 1867,Davidson Glacierhas been a popular sight-seeing destination in Alaska. Back at that time, the glacier simply protruded its way from the Chilkat Inlet. It wasn’t gaining that much attention at the time until the moment when it made its way from the inlet and moved into the mountain hills, making room for its own lake. The lake looked as though it is embracing the glacial formation.

These days, people who visit the Davidson Glacier may not be in total awe because it may not look as how they expected it to. The glacier has suffered from the cruel ways of the world and already started to deplete. However, the view itself is still breathtaking despite the receding. In fact, even though the glacier is slowly losing its former glory, it still stands as one of the most-visited glaciers in Alaska. Most travelers request their tour guides for a kayak ride just to see the Davidson Glacier.

One highlight of a trip to the Davidson Glacier is the actual movement of the glacier, its minute breaking, or possible melting of some tips of the glacier. It may look cruel for some, but still its nature taking its toll. A kayak around the glacier and the lake is also a treat in itself. The location is serene enough that you can’t help but feel that you’re one with the nature.

If you plan on going on a trip to the Davidson Glacier, it is better if you contact a tour specialist or guide first. This is so that he or she can carefully plan out your itinerary and may inform you about the best kayak spots in the entire Alaska. This means you get to enjoy many other glaciers aside from the Davidson.

View of Davidson Glacier,
Davidson Glacier
Davidson Glacier. Skagway, AK

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