Judah L Magnes Museum

Judah L Magnes Museum

TheJudah L Magnes Museumin California is a museum that was founded by Rebecca and Seymour Fromer in 1962, which they named after an activist of Jewish descent who is a native of Oakland. Magnes was one of the founders of the educational institution Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is an esteemed and respected rabbi, a famous political militant and prominent speaker.

The museum houses interesting collections pertaining to the rich history of the Jewish, which include art pieces, objects used in different rituals and the Manuscript Library that also houses the famous Blumenthal Rare Book along with the Western Jewish History Center or WJHC. WJHC documents the history and background of the Jewish communities that settled in the 13 Western states in America and contains important correspondences, pictures and records about the Museum’s history.

Other than the permanent collection that it showcases, the Museum also allows exhibits for other collections of importance. For instance on the 5th of June in 2006 the exhibit titled My America opened here, which came from the New York Jewish Museum.

The Jewish people have a very colorful history that the world must see. Museums, such as the Judah L. Magnes in Berkeley, California, are venues for showcasing rich Jewish culture and tradition. They keep the memories—good and bad—of the Jewish ancestry alive for the younger generation to know and appreciate.

Of you are planning to bring your family to this side of California, make sure to drop by Berkeley’s Judah L Magnes Museum for an educational tour. You and your kids will surely learn many things about Jewish history and will better understand their beliefs. Ask your tour guide, if any, for a quick visit to the Magnes Museum during your stay. Surely a 45-minute tour of the place will not take up too much of your vacation time.

The Judah L. Magnes Museum
Judah L Magnes Museum
The Judah L Magnes Museum in

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