Tel Aviv

Tel Avivis one of the best Mediterranean destinations for people who like the beach and night life mixed in with the history of the country. It may not be Israel’s capital city, but it is often thought to be because of its progressive and cosmopolitan nature. Due to the fact that it is very accessible by train, car, sea and air travel, the number of travelers arriving and departing here makes for many businesses. There are pubs, night clubs, fast food places and restaurants almost everywhere so the city is said to never sleep. The city has wide beautiful beaches for surfing and kayaking, beaches for religious purposes and beaches even for the down-to-Earth fishermen with old seaports and fish markets. A range of water sport activities is available to all from waterskiing, surfing kite-surfing and sailing. Other water activities include snorkeling and scuba diving. There are diving lessons for neophytes and beginner-type divers and diving areas for advanced divers, like a sunken Israeli Navy boat beneath the Jaffa Port; which is a popular diving destination. Yachts abound and yacht charters are constantly moving in and out of Tel Aviv marina which is located in a beach front constantly patrolled by joggers, strollers, vendors and musicians.

Known as the country’s Culture and Art Center, Tel Aviv boasts of modern museums and of old Bauhaus residential buildings built by the immigrants who escaped the Holocaust of Germany. Other favorite tourist destinations in the city are: the shopping centers and the Friday live street shows on Nachlat Binyamin Promenade, the Greek Orthodox Church, the multi-media Bet Hatfusot Museum, the Golda Meir Center for the Performing Arts, a professional matkot game on the beach and the Flea Market.

Hotels in this bustling city abound – from the expensive 5-star hotels to the $20 economy hotels for the shoe-string tourists. They are almost always fully booked, so tourists are advised to book at least a month ahead of time. Visit Tel Aviv and experience what it’s like to really live the good life.

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