Ari Atoll

Ari Atoll

Ari Atoll is one of the famous and natural atolls of the Maldives archipelago. In western Maldives, it is one of the biggest atolls covering an area that is more then 89 x 30 kilometers. For administrative purposes, Ari Atoll, Maldives was divided into two sections: The Northern Ari Atoll and the Southern. They are part of a total of 105 islands. When in the capital Male, Ari Atoll is a 30-minute sea-plane ride away.

More than 20 islands in Ari Atoll are designated as tourist resorts. Each island is self-sufficient and fully equipped with accommodation and recreational facilities like pools and tennis courts so you will not have to worry whether you are going to get a good place to stay in. Night entertainment here is pretty low-key but there are bars you can enjoy some music and beer.

If you love to scuba dive, Ari Atoll is absolutely your place to visit because scuba diving is the top tourist activity here. Some of the major tourist resorts here are the Ari Beach, Twin Islands, Halaveli, Dhoni Mighilli, and Maayyafushi.

Ari Atoll is one of the 26 atolls of the Maldives. Atolls are formed from the debris of corals and are separated by lagoons where exotic fish thrive. If you love the water and you find pleasure in looking at the blue skies, being in Ari Atoll is definitely worthwhile. Imagine how it’s like being in the middle of the Indian Ocean as you enjoy green palm trees, the clear sea, and the bright sun. Picture perfect, don’t you think?

ari atoll diving map
Ari Atoll
Ari Atoll Wall Mural

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