Masai Mara Reserve

Masai Mara Reserve

“I am one with the Wild.” Anyone can rightfully claim this upon visiting the Masai Mara. The Masai Mara Reserve is a very large game reserve in Kenya. It seems to continue the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania northward.

The region shares a warm climate with north-western Kenya. Temperature’s lowest drop is at 15 degrees Centigrade and the peak is at 30 degrees. Because it is a higher from sea level, 1500 meters at least, it experiences milder and wet climate.

Bus and caravan trips in the savannahs will let you see the zebras, gazelles, lions, hyenas, impalas, cheetahs, foxes, leopards, giraffes and a wild variety of games. The best part is that you see them outside cages. Everyone can witness natural interaction and biodiversity here. From a distance, you can spot Nile crocodiles waiting for their prey, the wildebeests.

People can enjoy the big skies of the area. Or they can opt to ride hot air balloons to have a wide view of the great grasslands.

The Game parks attract tourists from all around the world. It offers the savannah experience only seen in wilderness movies. The place is easy to reach with the Musiara, Mara Serena and Keekorok airports conveniently located in Masai Mara’s Reserve area. These make Nairobi and the other Kenyan cities accessible.

Tourists can choose from the popular hotels in the Masai Mara Reserve area. Many of them offer first class service like the Mpata Safari Club, Keekorok Lodge, and the Kichwa Tembo Camp.

Masai Mara National Reserve
Masai Mara Reserve
4 Days Masai Mara Camping

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