Mons Klint

Mons Klint

Traveling to different countries enable you to experience their hospitality, food and sights. That is why when traveling or planning for a most awaited for trip, you have to choose Denmark. There are millions of tourists every year who discover the breathtaking view of different landmarks found at the eastern part of Mon Island. This is none other than the Mons Klint. It is a Danish term that means “Cliffs of Mon” in English.

You might think that it could be another ordinary cliff you can climb and look down the very edge – the Mons Klint is quite different from the usual rocky boulders that you are accustomed too. The 120 meter fall, six kilometers from Liselund until your eyes reach the Lighthouse, all you will see is chalk. Yes, it is quite a spectacular view even though the area surrounds the whole Mons Klint houses ponds, marshes and woodlands. This might make you wonder wherein the world would the chalk come from. According to the locals in Mons Klint, the chalk was the remnants of shells that lived at the seabed for more than 70 million years ago. So when the white formations grew thick, they transformed into chalk.

This part of the Baltic Sea may become nippy so do not forget to bring medium to thick clothing during your visit to the beautiful place. You still can tug along your handy camera when you get to the top of the cliff since there is a geological museum where you can learn more about how the cliff keeps on chalking up snow like matter. Transportation is not a problem in this part of Denmark since all landmarks like this can be easily reached through bus. Fortsat god dag! This means “Have a Nice Day” in Danish.

Landslide at Mons Klint,
Mons Klint
Kreidefelsen bei Mons Klint.

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