Cape Town Info

Cape Town Info

It is the oldest city of South Africa. It is referred to as the “mother city”. It is Cape Town. With a history of over 300 years, it is one of the most preferred destinations in Africa. Cape Town will be hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2010; therefore, this city is definitely not to be missed.

One of the most famous attractions of Cape Town is the Castle of Good Hope. Situated on the Buitenkant Street, it is often referred to as “the Castle” by the local people. Apart from the history of the castle, it also houses the William Fehr collection and a large historical military collection. The Castle offers the tourist a dining experience, and on your way out, you can even buy some wine from there. The next stop is the Robben Island. The Island made news due to the most famous political prisoner of our times, Nelson Mandela. You can experience several tours being offered on the Island. Do not be surprised if your tour guide turns out to be a former political prisoner himself. It is advisable to make a booking to visit the Robben Islands as soon as you reach Cape Town.

Another much-revered Cape Town attraction is the Rhodes Memorial, built in the honor of Cecil John Rhodes. The memorial is in the recognition of the work done by Rhodes for the uplift of South Africa. You may also visit the South African Parliament. A visit to the Parliament will be a good way to learn about the tumultuous political history of South Africa.

You can also learn more about the color discrimination in South Africa by going to the District Six museum. The District Six was a multiracial area in the 1960s when the government decided to convert it to a ‘whites only’ area. The district opposed, as a result of which all the residents of the district were evicted and the buildings were burnt down. The area remains uninhabited to this day. You can also visit the Bo-Kaap, an area mainly inhabited by the Muslim slaves. You can sample some great Southeast Asian food here. Talking of eating and drinking, do not forget to tour the Constantia Valley wine estate while in Cape Town.

But if you are hungry for shopping, then the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront will be the best place to visit. It is a popular tourist place, thanks to its shopping arcades, restaurants, and entertainment avenues. Apart from sightseeing, there is plenty to ‘do’ in Cape Town. For instance, you can take a cable car to the top of the Table Mountain and take in the amazing sights from a height! Or you could visit the African Penguin Colony at Boulders enroute to the Cape of Good Hope. Or you can just relax and go for a swim in the ocean. If you are craving for adventure, then you can even surf here.

Cape Town Information
Cape Town Info
Cape Town Facts & Information

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