

Experience respite at a place where you can be at par with nature and suburban living. That is what Konduz, Afghanistan can offer you when you tour this city. Expect some new insights of the Afghani culture when you are in this place, and take pleasure at some of the historical landmarks. Surely there is more to see in this place than you can ever imagine.

This city that lies in the northern part of Afghanistan, and it is well known to be an integral spot in the country for some political reasons. But setting political issues aside, the city’s scenic locations are astounding enough to puff your stress away. Some of the unique places you should visit are the mosques that are ingeniously built, and the parks that provides a tranquil ambiance, which is perfect for some early morning walks and dating.

Other great sites include the remains of fortresses that were used during the war, and some landmarks that remind the visit of Alexander the Great in this city. There is also a picturesque view of the wild side of Afghanistan along mountain trails and tall cliffs.

When you are here in Konduz, Afghanistan, the best thing that you can do is to enjoy a ride in colorful horse carriage. You can tour the city with this for a cheap cost. You should also get pleasure from a shopping experience at the market place and buy some souvenir items, like carpets and embroideries. There are also some extreme rides available at the rough roads of the city.

The dining experience is something that you should look forward to. Here you can taste some of the delicious Afghani cooking, such as lamb kabab, naan (bread), and shorma (soup). Remember that most of the food here have a spicy flavor, so be ready in case your taste buds are on fire.

Kunduz City

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