San Francisco Church

San Francisco Church

San Francisco church is the oldest church in Quito. It attracts many tourists because of its exquisite design and rich history. The church was built in 1535 when the Spanish colonizers arrived in Quito. It was constructed over an Inca temple, accounting for the reason why the church is higher than any other structures in the town. The stairs up to the church are very wide and many believe that this is for the people to carefully watch their steps, thus, bowing in respect unconsciously.

The San Francisco church is a kind of baroque church. Upon the entrance, images of the sun can be seen for the purpose of attracting native people into Christianity. The faces of angelic designs are of native Indian appearances, an evidence of mixing native and Catholic concepts. On the altar of the church, three structures can be found: The Baptism of Jesus, Almighty Jesus and The Virgin of Quito. Little designs can be seen in the outside appearance of the church; there are Doric columns on the lower section and Ionic columns on the upper section. At night, the church lights up the view with its bright lights.

From Monday to Saturday, the San Francisco church is open at 7:00 am up to 12:00 noon and reopens again at 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. On Sundays, it is only open from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon. There is no entrance fee collected as this church, it is open for all. It is located at Plaza San Francisco in the Old town. Usually, many people are praying inside the church. But it is also good for sightseeing, as the church has a very beautiful antique design. Visiting this church will absolutely complete your tour in Quito. The San Francisco church is a religious, historical and ancient structure worth paying a visit.

San Francisco Church
San Francisco Church
Iglesia de San Francisco,

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