Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

If you really want to see good wildlife that covers all kinds of species, then this is the site that must be seen. The Yellowstone National Park was established by the United States Congress in the year 1872. The park is situated in Wyoming State and extends to part of Idaho & Montana States. The national park is famous because of the various wildlife that it has and also for the natural geysers spread all over the park. The Indigenous Americans, also called the Aboriginals, have stayed in this place for at least 11,000 years. Initially, it was only open for mountain hikers and quite later, it became public and available to all. Immediately to its making, it was handed over to the US Army for maintenance and the administration was given to the national park services.

The Yellowstone National Park covers a total area of 8,983 square kilometers and has many lakes, canyons, rivers and ranges of mountains. The park has a lake in it, named the Yellowstone Lake and is one of the largest high altitude lakes in North America. It also has a active volcano in it called the Yellowstone Caldera and has erupted a lot of times in the past two million years with massive force. The National Park also has an ecosystem. It is fills with a lot of birds, animals and endangered species. Forest fires are a very common sight to see every year. It was in 1988 that the largest fire destroyed almost one third of the park. One can do a lot of things in the park like boating, hiking, fishing, camping etc…

Yellowstone National Park,
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park

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