

Do you know where your favorite Toblerone chocolate is made? Where Albert Einstein worked? And where Swiss cheese is being produced? You have to fly all the way to Berne, Switzerland to get a taste of its culture, products, and history.

If you want to visit places declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, then you should include Bern on your list. It also belongs to the top ten list of cities with the best quality of life. Most of the structures you will find in the capital city of Switzerland have medieval styles. The most famous of these is probably the Zytglogge or the Time Bell, a medieval clock tower with moving puppets that pop out before each hour and perform little skits.

You would also enjoy viewing Gothic style buildings, and houses in Berne. Switzerland’s highest cathedral called Münster-Cathedral is located in the city, as well as the 18th century Protestant church called Heiliggeist-Kirche. In front of the cathedral is the famous Münster-Terrasse square which has been a meeting place for people over the centuries.

Museums in Berne also depict a rich collection of artworks by many Swiss artists. The largest collection of which are kept inside the Center Paul Klee, and the Swiss Alpine Museum on the other hand, exhibit the history of the Swiss Alps.

Aare, a famous green river in Berne is also popular among tourists as a beautiful highlight. You can feel the coolness of its fresh waters during summer that attracts countless of visitors from all over the world. Thus it is not surprising that swimming becomes a favorite hobby for people in Berne.

Besides these, visitors can also take a tour around the House of Parliament, the Prison Tower, sandstone buildings, and 11 wonderful fountains around the city. There are also several dozens of movie theaters in Berne, as well as shopping centers and festivals throughout the year.

The climate in Berne is pretty much like the rest of the nearby cities, and thus certified backpackers can enjoy different sports depending on the season. Football (soccer) and Ice hockey remain to be important in Berne, just like in other Swiss cities.

Berne examples of medieval

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