Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast

When considering Africa, one would not generally think of a relaxing, tropical climate. However, the Ivory Coast, located in West Africa, can offer just that. With a mainly flat landscape with a handful of mountain ranges, the Ivory Coast has an amazing climate during the winter time.

Most tourists visit the Ivory Coast for the national parks. Tai National Park, Comoe National Park and Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve are the country’s recognized national parks. Tai and Mt. Nimba cover the entire south west of the country.

The Ivory Coast is also the most expensive country in West Africa when it comes to accommodations and lodging. Food is inexpensive; however, cleanliness and hygiene are often questioned. Be sure to get vaccinated before any trip to this area.

The Ivory Coast is not an ideal place to travel for westerners however. The country is extremely influenced by the French, and non-French westerners are generally treated with contempt. The scenery and landscape may be beautiful, but western travelers should not expect much when it comes to tourism. The official language of the Ivory Coast is French, so one shouldn’t plan on staying long unless French is known fluently. Travel to the Ivory Coast is currently not recommended due to the climbing crime rates by unemployed youth and the growing epidemic of HIV/AIDs.

Ivory Coast - Tribal
Ivory Coast
Côte d'Ivoire - Wikipedia,

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