49 Mile Scenic Drive

49 Mile Scenic Drive

California is known for several tourist destinations and if you are planning a trip to this wonderful state, then dropping by San Francisco’s49 Mile ScenicDrive is definitely a must. It features some of the city’s major historical structures and attractions, so you should never miss to add the 49-Mile Drive to your itinerary. History shows that it was opened on September 14, 1938 to promote the Golden Gate International Exposition, which was scheduled to open a year after. The drive has a magnificent view of the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge. Pre-1955, blue and gold triangular signs were used to denote the trek. These days, a blue and white seagull sign will guide through the drive. The route starts at the intersection of Van Ness Avenue and Hayes Street.

As mentioned above, along the whole 49-mile stretch sits some of the famous tourist destinations in California. First and foremost is SF’s City Hall, which also features the Museum of Modern Art, the Civic Center and of course the Asian Art Museum. Then there’s the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge.

For those who love water adventure and scenic views by the beach, then you can visit the North Beach, Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39, Aquatic Park and Baker Beach. Other notable places that visitors frequent would be Chinatown, Japantown, as well as Nob Hill and Russian Hill. If you are inclined towards history, discovery, science and the arts, then you can visit the Palace of Fine Arts, Letterman Digital Arts Center, Battery Chamberlin, the Cannery, the Academy of Sciences, the Marina Green, Crissy Field, the San Francisco Zoo, which are all located along the 49-mile stretch.

If you just don’t have ample time to plan your visit to California and you still want to enjoy the view and all, a tour along the Mile Scenic Drive would prove sufficient and satisfying.

new 49 Mile Scenic Drive
49 Mile Scenic Drive
The 49 Mile Scenic Drive.

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