
The best way to travel is to go to a place rich in history and culture. You will have a great time not only exploring the place but also finding rich and abundant knowledge to take with you home. For all those travel bloggers, you can explore greater heights as you visit different countries in Europe. And one specific country and town that comes highly recommended is Kunda, Estonia.

Kunda is a small town situated along the east of the Gulf of Finland. There is some evidence of prehistoric communities in Estonia that dates back to 6500 B.C. This is why the Kunda culture is very rich in history.

You might also find it interesting to know that the Kunda Air Base Facility is just located 13 kilometers west of the town. It has served as the Soviet and Estonians’ defense interests for years and years.

As you take a tour of Kunda, you will also find many historical and interesting places. You can visit their pulp mill or you can go to their port. There’s also a cement factory you can include in your tour. Another main attraction of the city is the Toolse Castle which was established in 1471. The castle was mainly built as a defense against pirate attacks. Although it was destroyed during the Great Northern War, you can still see the beauty in its ruins.

So if you want to take a trip to Kunda in the near future, you know now how to make the most out of it. Enjoy the great sights and history of the place and you will not come home empty-handed.

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